Welcome to Building Resiliency Counseling
Providing Individual Therapy in Phoenix, AZ
Specializing in Childhood Trauma, Relationship Issues, Anxiety and Building Self-Esteem
The office is conveniently located in central Phoenix. If you prefer to meet remotely, secure video sessions are available.
Working with a therapist in Phoenix can help you feel more confident, secure, and in control of your life. Call 480-463-4015 or click below to schedule your free 15 minute consultation to begin to see how different life can feel when you’re in control and no longer being held back.
The worry thoughts won’t stop
You try to distract with your phone, friends, drinking but those thoughts are SO loud. You wish you could just quiet them but they keep creeping into your mind and soon enough, you feel paralyzed, unable to do anything else. Life feels overwhelming, scary, and you don’t know how to find a way out.
You don’t feel good enough
You wonder when others will find out that you’re really just faking it, that you’re unsure about yourself and don’t really deserve any recognition. You come up with a blank when others ask what are some positive qualities about yourself. Your partner may be supportive, caring, attentive, but you feel undeserving, unloveable, and expect your partner will get tired of you soon enough.
Life is happening to you
Every decision, big or small, is so difficult to make. You don’t want to make a choice that is “wrong” and you’ll regret, but you can’t seem to figure out what the “right” choice is for you. So you’re left feeling stuck, unable to move forward in life whether that means taking on a new job, leaving a relationship that is unsatisfying or unhealthy, or figuring out which item on the to-do list needs to get done first. You’re just left with an overall feeling of being stuck and watching life go on without you.
It doesn’t have to be this way
Life is hard. Life is painful, unpredictable. It’s how we respond to life’s challenges that will determine whether we grow from these experiences or we feel further stuck and not in control. Many of my clients tried to figure things out on their own or with support from their friends and family, but felt that they were unable to or worried that they were overburdening their loved ones. Through working together, my clients are able to get clarity on why they are feeling the way they are and to find the strength within themselves to start making the changes they’ve been wanting to.
You can also start to move forward, not be burdened with self-doubt and feel more calmness and certainty with the choices you make. Let’s start our work together now. Call 480-463-4015 or click on the link below to get started with counseling in Phoenix.